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About Tree Love Yoga

Since I was a little girl, I have loved being outside, in nature…I have always been intrigued by the multitude of shapes and structures, little details and textures…how life can be present in so many forms and support each other…

About Tree Love Yoga


Since I was a little girl, I have loved being outside, in nature…I have always been intrigued by the multitude of shapes and structures, little details and textures…how life can be present in so many forms and support each other…

I have always admired trees and forests…they majestic presence, the feeling of infinity looking into their tall crowns, the sense of peace and harmony…and freedom…they have always amazed me how still and silent they are but how wise they look…


I would have never guessed I would find a similar feeling of connectedness and freedom in yoga…when the body flows without effort and the mind quiets down…yoga always leaves me feeling whole and alive…

That’s where Tree Love Yoga came from…from love to trees and their comforting energy and love to yoga and its power to leave us feeling connected...

I am so grateful to my mum who has taught me to see and feel the beauty inside and around me…and to all my yoga teachers who have shared their wisdom with me, especially Steven Harris, Paul Frechtling, Simon Borg-Olivier, Bianca Machliss, Carlos Pomeda and John Weddepohl.