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Appreciate every step of your journey...

Veronika Polaskova


This month I am setting myself a challenge..."to appreciate every step of my journey”...I have caught myself many many times setting up new and new goals without truly appreciating what I have achieved already. It’s funny how we feel there’s still so much for us to learn, to grow, to achieve, we see all those things in the future but we rarely look back at ourselves a year ago or two years ago and really fully appreciate all the things we have succeeded in over that period of time and how much we have grown.

Yesterday I came across an exercice on life purpose I did two years ago…this is what I wrote for myself than: “To grow and help others to grow by living consciously, without fear and in touch with their true Self. To live and inspire others to live with respect and gratitude, in harmony with nature and radiating love and compassion.” ...and I smiled. I have realized that I have done so much over those two years and no matter how many doubts I had lately about myself, being a yoga teacher and all that stuff (naughty thoughts:-)), it seems that the Universe has been sending me signals every day, asking me to be patient and to stay on the path I am walking right now…and I am grateful. Sometimes the path towards where you would like to be may seem scary and without proper direction. But hey, by starting the first step, in no time you will find yourself (like I did) miles away from where you originally started. Be brave, stay patient, good luck and a big hug to you on your journey 💖