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Happiness is the absence of unhappiness...

Veronika Polaskova


“Happiness is the absence of unhappiness – it is not a thing in itself, and this is very important to understand. Happiness happens quite naturally when we cease our addiction to living in the future and past, which are full of promise and anxiety on one hand, and regret and longing for on the other. When we cease getting distracted and agitated by our thinking minds, which recall the past and create the future, we come to live in the present moment, and in the present moment there are no problems and no anxiety. When we live in the present moment we are in touch with our deeper wisdom, and with wisdom we know how to live a good life.” A beautiful reminder from an amazing book I am reading right now “Happiness and How It Happens” by Happy Buddha 🌸💕

Treasure all the moments you have...

Veronika Polaskova


Treasure all the moments you have, tomorrow they will be just memories...don’t allow your thoughts, worries and fears to take you away from the beautiful experience you are having right there fully, with every breath…💖

Life will open new doors for you...

Veronika Polaskova


The other day I was thinking about life...about my dreams, about things that are important to me and how I could incorporate them into my life...and while some dreams may be too far for me to be reached anytime soon, I know that they will not land at my door unless I put in love and work...of course there will be circumstances in my life that will help me along the way to get closer to where I would like to be...and there will also be circumstances that will make it harder for me to get there...we will all have those things happening in our lives and we won’t be able to change them...what really matters though is how much passion you put in...instead of relying on what you can’t control, become your best friend and support yourself on your own journey...put in love, work, and things will start unfolding in the direction you want...I really do believe everything is possible, we just sometimes can’t see how to make things happen...only when you start, life will open new doors for you to be able to grow on your journey and achieve what may have seem impossible at yourself ❤

The moment when you don't need anything else...

Veronika Polaskova


The playfulness of the sky always makes me smile inside...I love the moments when you are just there, fully present...there’s no past...there’s no future...there’s no thoughts...there’s just the moment at hand...feeling of joy, gratefulness, fulfilment, contentment, peace and harmony...the moment when you feel you don’t need anything else in your life...everything’s perfect...maybe every moment could be this way if we learnt to be really there...💙

My morning yoga practice with Mauri :-)

Veronika Polaskova


Totally rocking my morning yoga practice with my furry boy Mauri…lol…he’s sooo awesome (and NAUGHTY :-))…he knows that when there’s a downward facing dog and upward facing dog in play, it’s his time to get involved…lol…special time, he makes my day and my yoga practice ❤

There's so much wisdom within us...

Veronika Polaskova


Came across this little beautiful quote by Albert Einstein: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” I love it, it’s sooo true…There’s so much wisdom within us, we just need to find a way how to connect with it again…🌸💕 

To really see...

Veronika Polaskova


The beauty of this morning…breathtaking…if we only always opened our eyes and our heart to really see…the outside, the inside, the beauty, the love…♥

Happy New Year :-)

Veronika Polaskova


May every moment of the new year 2016 be full of joy, presence and peace with amazing people and experiences along the way...and with furry babies who already know how to best live their life, like this guy and our baby Mauri (from Maori meaning "the essence of life"). Make it a beautiful one 🌸💕

To really live my life...

Veronika Polaskova


This year has been truly amazing...moved to the beautiful Blue Mountains, got to know some really amazing and beautiful people through teaching yoga and have made new friends...but at the same time it has been one of the most challenging years too...this is the first time in my life I lost someone so close to my heart...all of the sudden, all my fears and worries, and even my ambitions seemed so irrelevant...but at the end of the day, no matter how much sadness I feel at times, I feel so much more drive to really live my get up and do my best in things I care spread love and compassion and inspire others to grow so that we can all live in a better place…🌸💕🙏

Yay, it's Christmas!

Veronika Polaskova


Yay, it's Christmas! Have a super gorgeous time with people close to your heart, doing things you love and having heaps (I mean HEAPS) of fun :-) Sending lots of love, hugs and kisses to all of you, beautiful souls 💖

My darling Hongi...

Veronika Polaskova


My darling matter how relatively short time we had together, it doesn’t really feel like only three feels like I have known you forever...and it doesn’t feel like you are gone...I miss the cuddles, I miss your warmth, the softness of your hair...but boy, we had so much fun together...from hide-and-seeks, swims in the sea and water of all kinds (the muddier, the better :-)), to playtimes in the bed with Kamcha and Mauri before falling asleep and your cute snoring with legs wide apart lying on your back when were the best mate I could ever have...thank you for sharing the breath of life with you forever and see you in this or next life again…💖

There's no better time than now...

Veronika Polaskova


I believe, from my own experiences, that sometimes we can be really good in not being true to ourselves...we become excellent in persuading ourselves that we don't need some things in our lives anymore...maybe it's because we got hurt and we just don't want to go back...we reject the thoughts and convince ourselves we have moved matter how many times I have thought about dance over last few years, I have rarely made it to a dance class...I keep promising to myself I will return back and the only thing that's holding me back is no one but myself. So today I am making a promise to myself that I will make it back to dance...I am craving the movement, I am craving the expression through dance, I am craving the feeling of freedom...this is my resolution for next year :-)

Is there a part of you that wants to do something but you are holding back? Maybe it's time for you too, to follow the "other IMPORTANT" things in your life...there's no better time than now 💖

You are beautiful and perfect...

Veronika Polaskova


Close your eyes...and fill your body with contentment and appreciation of yourself...feeling how perfect, beautiful and amazing you are...take a doesn't matter if there were experiences in your life you wish you handled better...what we experience here, in our outer world, is only for us to learn from, to grow, to become a little bit more conscious, to find a path towards ourselves and to connect with our true Self...whatever happens here, just know that deep inside YOU ARE beautiful and perfect ❤

The happy secret to better work...

Veronika Polaskova

One of the best TED talks I have ever seen...definitely worth a watch...I promise you will love it...especially if you like unicorns We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk from TEDxBloomington, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity.


We breathe together...

Veronika Polaskova


When I was a little girl, I asked my mum, “If I ran very very fast, would I make it to the very end of the Earth?” My mum smiled at me and said, “I think you would.” I didn’t have any idea then about the Earth being round...of course my mum knew but she always wanted me to know that if I ever decided to make something happen and put in the work, I would be able to do that...

I think I've made really looks like the very end of the Earth quiet and peaceful...just me and you...nature...and the sun and a few clouds watching us smile at each other...we breathe together...we grow together...we laugh together...we hurt together...I don’t know how much I can do to save you, my friend nature...but I promise I’ll do my keep you alive, to nurture you so that you can heal all the wounds and flourish again 🌸🍀🍁

The Guest House...

Veronika Polaskova


I have come across this beautiful poem by Rumi this morning...I love’s funny how we often try to fight, run away and ignore what we feel but often the best is to allow ourselves to be there with the welcome it, to embrace it, to breathe through it...and let it go when it is ready to go...and in return hopefully gain a bit more understanding into who we are, what we need to do in our lives and what we need to let go it is, a bit dark with a beautiful ending 💖

The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.”

Little things...

Veronika Polaskova


So many times I feel it’s the moments without effort and the little things in our lives that can take our breath’s not the big’s not when we achieve our’s when we appreciate our progress, every step of our journey...filling our heart with peace with what is...appreciating the moment at hand...appreciating our growth...

This little shell is a symbol for me to be grateful for the present moment, for where I am in my life right now and for the little amazing things and experiences every new day brings along...this gorgeous necklace landed in our mail box a few weeks’s beautiful...I love it!!!...there’s no better pressies that those made with love from nature...thank you my beautiful friend Lauren 🐚💖

Today I am grateful for not being perfect...

Veronika Polaskova


Today I am grateful for not being perfect...there’s so much pressure from our society how we should look and how we should "perform" in life...we are trying to chase things in our lives with hope that when we get there everything is going to be awesome and will never be...start loving your imperfect self and your imperfect life...we ALL have little struggles and insecurities, we all want to change some things in our lives, we all want to find happiness, inner peace, harmony and fulfilment...but what if you don’t have to wait until everything is perfect? What if you can find all those things in your imperfect life right now...

Some people may think that I am always super happy, enthusiastic, confident and peaceful...that I know what I want and I take actions every day that will take me there...but the truth is, I am not that person a fair bit of time...yep, I smile a lot, I laugh a lot and I am trying to follow things in my life that make me happy...but I do have my own struggles, I feel vulnerable a lot of times and I wouldn’t really call myself a super confident person...but you know what?...these things make me who I am...and I am proud of my insecurities because they make me REAL...I know I don’t have to wait to be perfect to love myself...because I will never be ❤

I love freedom...

Veronika Polaskova


I love when I feel free...when I feel fully absorbed in the moment and there’s no time, there’s no thoughts...there’s just this incredible feeling inside...of joy, passion, connection and calmness...all at the same time...this often happens when we stop thinking, when we stop planning, when we stop being such organized and “responsible” people...when we allow ourselves to let go, to be spontaneous, to follow what we love fully without allowing the worries and fear to hold us back...I love freedom...❤