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Stay open, stay gentle to life...

Veronika Polaskova


A poppy flower…a gift to you…I love their crumpled petals when the flowers open to see the light of the world…there’s this beauty in being simple and fragile…I love their softness…they are to me like a reminder of fragility and impermanence of every life…a reminder that we can bring light and happiness to others by just being but also hurt other living souls by not acting from a place of love…we don’t always find that place within…but we can at least try…to love without conditions, to give without expecting something back in return, to see the world through eyes of kindness, to approach experiences in our lives with gentleness…stay open, stay gentle to life…it’s such a blessing to be here every day and to be “love”…🌸

Tune into your inner wisdom...

Veronika Polaskova


Last night I was thinking about my yoga practice and about all the energy and drive I have now after having a few weeks off when I was chilling back home in Europe :-) …and while the intention was to practise and meditate every day there, it only happened rarely in between all the celebrations and meeting some beautiful souls.

It’s interesting to feel now so much of the enthusiasm, but also so much impatience…I know deep inside that the best is to get into everything slowly and keep the practice nice and gentle…and trust that I will get stronger, more flexible and my body will open a bit more again with a consistent practice…not that it should be in anyway important to be strong but my ego is screaming “Yes, I want you to be super strong…NOW!”. It’s interesting to notice this impatience which comes and goes, almost like the ego has been testing its boundaries and pushing my inner wisdom away. Sometimes the lessons that meet us on our path are subtle but they may be sooo relevant in that particular moment…it’s easy to miss them in between all what the ego needs to say and it takes practice (still learning ;-) ) to stay tuned into our inner wisdom…this is our home where all the questions can be answered, this is where the growth happens 💜

Enjoy it without grasping...

Veronika Polaskova


“When we grasp after pleasure, the possibility of pain is always there because the law of nature is that what appears also disappears; but if we can welcome pleasure and indeed enjoy it without grasping, then pain does not arise.” …loving this gorgeous section from a beautiful book “Mindfulness and Compassion: Embracing Life with Loving-Kindness” by The Happy Buddha …it’s something I am still learning…learning to enjoy things as they come but also letting them be when they pass…it’s a beautiful feeling when we are able to fully enjoy something that brings us pleasure and happiness but it’s also a beautiful thing to be able to let it go when it’s not there at that moment and be able to move onto the next thing, stay present to what is unfolding in the here and now, even though it may not bring us as much pleasure or joy…there’s this beautiful feeling of freedom and being one with life when we follow the natural flow of life, instead of when we grasp after things and then being one with life for a moment but fighting against it in another…💜

Because love is everything...

Veronika Polaskova


Because love is beautiful…and everything ❤️

Sending heaps of love to you all from my home country, fields of poppy flowers, warm sunrays and late sunsets, and can’t wait to see you all very soon :-) Back to teaching next Friday the 23rd ❤️

The feeling of ease and flow...

Veronika Polaskova


Waiting for a connecting flight in Seoul, I am thinking how I am loving life right now…the feeling of ease and flow and the acceptance of everything being as it is…this overwhelming feeling of being more than this physical body I have been lent for this life, the feeling of connectedness with everything around me, love, gratefulness…a thought arises in my mind about how silly it is to try to interfere with how life decides to weave its path…and I catch a smile on my face feeling happy, not wanting to change anything…just wanting to be a part of it…🌼

Blue Spirit Yoga and Healing Space

Veronika Polaskova


Such a privilege to teach in this gorgeous space…beautiful sweaty class this morning with some gorgeous souls, fire, love and laughter ❤️…if you have never taken a class here, it’s so worth it…this place has a special vibe…beautiful welcoming safe energy…Blue Spirit Yoga and Healing Space, one of the most beautiful spaces in the mountains, with gorgeous garden in every season…plus some super lovely and amazing teachers as well ❤️

To make the world a more beautiful peaceful place...

Veronika Polaskova


Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions.

Off in the distance, the old man noticed a small boy approaching. As the boy walked, he paused every so often and as he grew closer, the man could see that he was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea. The boy came closer still and the man called out, “Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”

The young boy paused, looked up, and replied, “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,“ the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”

The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”

The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!” (adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiseley). 💕


We may never know or find out but what if the kindness of doing something little for another soul will in the end grow into a beautiful big change…because kindness and love, and being caring have the tendency to travel from a person to another, at least for a little while…maybe it’s that ONE THING I or you, or both of us do today that will make the world a more beautiful peaceful place…:-)

Love is the little things we give...

Veronika Polaskova


We live in a world where we often think about how much we can get out of something…how much we can take…but what if life is not about “taking”…what if life is about sharing, giving…sometimes a smile can change another’s person world… sometimes a kind word can help someone to make it through a tough day…sometimes a hug can save someone’s life…LOVE is the little things we do…the little things we give…a smile, a kind word, a hug 🌸

"Our true, happy, nature can be discovered only when..."

Veronika Polaskova


I don’t particularly enjoy being sick (to be honest it makes me feel a little crazy as I love moving :-))…one of the good things though about being sick is that it gives us time to do things we otherwise rarely find time for…for me it is reading…I love finding a quiet moment and to read a little bit here and there but often my life gets filled with other activities and I just don't create time for it…when I was sick I reached for one of my favourite books “Happiness and How It Happens” by The Happy Buddha (I am pretty sure I raved about it before already :-))…I love reading little bits and pieces and then giving myself some time to think about it and process it…this book is perfect for it…on every page there’s so much beautiful wisdom shared…and it is also one of those books you can read over and over again and find new messages there which you hadn’t noticed before…I have come across this little section and just really enjoyed reading it ❤ Here it is:

“We bring an agenda to our spiritual practice as to how we want to be in the future, but if we practise well this agenda is doomed to failure. It’s OK to have an agenda for a while as it can motivate us to start to practise, but it will never be fulfilled, because agendas are of the ego: the little me. The ego always wants to become somebody, but practice is not about becoming somebody. Practice is about getting to know yourself and becoming free from suffering by doing so. This freedom can’t be achieved through our usual type of striving. Our true, happy, nature can be discovered only when we give up the struggle to be better, to be someone different.” 🌸💕

What makes you feel nourished in life...?

Veronika Polaskova


Today is all about freedom…I’m stuck here in bed with flu so I am at least inspiring myself with pictures and stories that make me feel free 😉…being in bed for a few days has given me some time to reflect on my life and think about lots of things...among them, what makes people feel happy and what makes them feel unhappy…and I’ve come up with a few things but often I feel it is when our life values which are really important to us are fulfilled or not (the other part is being grateful for what we have).

For me, one of the most important life values is the feeling of freedom…I guess that’s why I love dance and movement in general, being creative, spontaneous, and all the crazy challenges and adventures💖…(I love though my routine too 😉). I thrive when I feel free but I cry inside when I am not (and I guess as a Sagittarius that’s kind of normal to expect…you can’t tie down a Sagittarius 😉).

Knowing what makes us feel nourished in life, what values are important to us, is a beautiful and easy way how to bring more of those things into our lives and feel happier. It’s good to check from time to time “What does freedom (or whatever value(s) you choose) mean to me?” The answer is just there…

Happy Sunday gorgeous souls 🌸💕

Our life doesn't start in that moment...

Veronika Polaskova


Often life is “enough” and pretty awesome the way it is…so many times we want more, we want to change, we want our life to change but the truth is if we can’t appreciate what we have in this moment, we will hardly appreciate when the change comes or when we have more…it’s great to be inspired, it’s awesome to have dreams and goals to chase but to live a happy and fulfilling life, we can’t wait for the moment when everything aligns, when everything will be perfect…because our life doesn’t start in that moment…our life, for most of us, has started quite some time ago…and it is happening right now…from moment to moment…and we can easily waste that moment and another by wanting it to be different…or we can appreciate it for what it is…cherish those beautiful happy ones and be grateful for those challenging ones which help us to grow and become better people 🌸💕

How to bring more positivity and contentment into your life :-)

Veronika Polaskova


While I do believe it is very important to experience and welcome all the emotions and learn to work with them, I feel that sometimes we allow them to take over our lives and to shape us…which is great if it’s the positive emotions of love, joy and peace, but not so awesome if they are on the negative spectrum of emotions, like fear, anger and sadness.

We all have days when we experience these negative emotions and it’s totally normal and human…it’s unrealistic to expect we will be happy from now on and nothing will shake us…we all have a belief system we have created usually quite early on in life and some situations will make us feel vulnerable and will unfortunately get the “worst” of us…not because we wanted to but because it is maybe the only way we know how to deal with that situation and the uncomfortable feeling of vulnerability, feeling exposed…

Also negative emotions are not always bad…sometimes it’s important to allow ourselves to feel sad, sometimes fear is really helping us to stay safe…

In the end everything comes back to awareness, noticing what is happening inside (in our body and mind) and checking it with what is happening outside…many times those two experiences are very different…we may be sitting in the garden with our kids and “watching” them to play but our mind may be reliving a challenging conversation with someone at work which happened a few days ago…as a result of what is happening in our mind we may be feeling some negative emotions and tension within our body, even though there is not an immediate “threat”, and immediate experience causing us to hurt…

While humans seem to be at the top of the intelligence chain (something I often doubt to be true though 😉), we often do things which seem so counterproductive and antisurvival…We are one of the rare species (if not the only one) who suffers for something that happened or something that has not happened yet (and may not even happen) MORE THAN ONCE…our mind loves to “indulge” in negativity and when it has the chance to play, to emphasize, to recreate, it will do that…

Most of our suffering is not actually related to the moment at hand…what we are experiencing are only THOUGHTS, reliving an experience from the past or creating an experience in our mind about something that may happen in the future.

It’s really helpful when we are experiencing some stirring inside, some resistance, to stop and notice…and take a few breaths (if there is time to do that)…by giving ourselves some distance from the experience and time to process it, we give ourselves an opportunity to understand whether our perception is true or not…

Apart from trying to be present and mindful about the experiences coming into my life, there are a few mindful exercises that really resonate with me and that I am trying to remind myself of in various situations…it is something I am still learning…some days or weeks I am better at them and some worse…and yes, I also have days when I feel grumpy (even yoga teachers are sometimes 😉).

Here they are…

  1. Bring a gentler kinder perspective to what you are perceiving (this often helps me to be more objective and not judgemental).
  2. Check whether what you are doing is bringing value into your life, whether it is nourishing you.
  3. If you are facing a challenge, ask yourself if it is there because you need to learn something from it.
  4. Same goes when we have to deal with people who make us feel challenged in some way. See if you can stay open and loving. I have written a post about this a while ago, those who follow me on Instagram/facebook or read my posts on my blog, may have seen it…you can find it here :-)
  5. Focus on the bigger picture...when you feel overwhelmed, stop and breathe...take a few deep breaths into your belly and visualize softening through any tension in your body...breathing into the abdomen generates a relaxation response in the body and mind...there's a quote I am trying to remember in those moment when life is a bit hectic..."Almost everything can wait."...and it's true...rarely things that are causing us to feel stressed will in the end affect our lives or lives of others in a dramatic way, they are usually little smile and breathe :-)

The list could go on and on...but I feel it's best to start with less and not to overwhelm ourselves with trying to do too much at once...

The more awareness we bring into our lives, the more we notice and realize that we are all vulnerable and we all have some weak spots. We become more compassionate and loving to each other and to ourselves, especially when we start seeing ourselves in actions and behaviours of other people. 🌷 🌸 🌿

No one will chase our dreams for us...

Veronika Polaskova


I guess one of the most beautiful gifts we can give to ourselves is to be true to ourselves...and if there are dreams, no matter how big or small, it’s worth to realize no one will chase them for us...some people may help us along the way but in the end it comes to what WE do and what we don’t’s only up to us to take the step forward, even if it means going against the crowd sometimes...often it’s actually a good thing... :-)

Being true to ourselves and having the strength to follow our heart is not always easy...there will be always some people along the way who would want us to be like everyone else and do things as everyone does them (sometimes meant well for our own "sake", sometimes not really)...there is a real power though in realizing that it is our own journey, our own life...and unfortunately if we don’t shape it the way we want, others will shape it for us...

The older I get (yep, I’m old 😉), I am realizing more and more how every day is a precious gift to be still here and to be able to do things that are meaningful to me, that fill me with happiness...and by being contented in my own life, being then able to give back. I do really believe that if you are happy, you can give back so much more...everything becomes effortless and natural...

So take care of yourselves and follow those sparks inside, may you fill your life with amazing adventures and happy memories 🌷🌿🌸💕

Don't miss the beautiful little things...

Veronika Polaskova


Everything in life changes all the time, things never stay the same for a long period of time...and it’s a beautiful thing to learn to go with the flow and accept that life is a fluid’s also very fulfilling to learn to really cherish the moment at hand and appreciate what we have in our lives now...because some things, some experiences, some people may not stay with us forever...

Sometimes I feel we wait for the right moment to do something, to say something, to enjoy something, to change something...and then the moment is go out there and don’t miss the beautiful little things happening in your life every day...enjoy them, feel them, laugh with them and keep them in your heart 🌸💕

"...the light that is you."

Veronika Polaskova


“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.” ~ by L. R. Knost 💛🌸

Have some play time in your life...

Veronika Polaskova


...just because there’s never enough cartwheels and handstands in our lives 😄 life has a totally different perspective from upside down…

Have a fun week and make sure you have some play time, being silly and not caring about what people think...we never cared about those things when we were kids anyway, why to grow up 😋 #lovehandstands #lifeisfun #lovinglife

Today I am just grateful...

Veronika Polaskova


It’s been almost two years since we have moved up here to the mountains and I would not change it for anything...yesterday I was thinking how happy I am here...after those 11 years being away from my home country, I finally feel I belong somewhere...I feel I am not a stranger here anymore...I love the life in a smaller community and that everyone knows everyone, or at least through another person...I guess being a yoga teacher and having more and more people from around here coming to my classes makes it easier too, to create new connections...and I feel so privileged to have met some super crazy awesome interesting people through teaching yoga who are now dear friends of mine...

Today I am just grateful...for taking a chance on yoga...and for finding myself in this happy place (not even knowing how it has all happened), surrounded by beautiful people and living a life full of meaningful adventures...thank you for being a part of my journey 🌷 🌿